Interview Process

View open positions on our Jobs page and submit your application online.

We will review your application and someone from our recruiting team will reach out to set up a brief phone call. During the call, the recruiter will ask a few questions to learn more about you and then walk you through what to expect during the interview process. The recruiter will then set up a short call for you to meet the hiring manager.

If the hiring manager believes there’s a good fit, you will move forward to an assessment. For roles outside of engineering, this is normally a conversation where we will ask about your functional skills and how they are applicable and transferable to the role you’re applying for.
For engineering roles, we use a third-party platform to administer a custom technical assessment. The purpose of this assessment is to help us better understand your skills and approach to coding without you having to explain how you would code in a hypothetical situation. In our continued effort to support diversity and inclusion, this also standardizes the assessment process to level the playing field for candidates and ensure that skills are evaluated objectively.
The code you write in your assessment is used to guide the conversation in your follow-up interview to help us evaluate and understand your thought process and problem-solving skills. We know how nerve-wracking it can be to code in real-time during an interview, so this assessment can be completed on your own time within a few days of when you receive it. The assessment will help us better understand your skills, but we don’t expect you to know everything.

We’ll schedule follow-up discussions where you will meet potential teammates and coaches. This is a great opportunity to ask questions about the role. Be prepared to talk about your experience as well.

Following your final interview, your recruiter will tell you when you can expect to hear back from us with a hiring decision.
Interview Tips
We’re seeking talented people who have the experience and skills to help us grow as a company, but we also value one's character and uniqueness that can help us thrive as a community. We believe our culture is what differentiates us and we use our Core Values to guide all of our decision making.
Be curious and ask questions
Innovation is powered by embracing our curiosities and continuing to learn. Don’t be afraid to ask questions throughout the interview process when you need clarification or want more information, and come prepared with questions for your interviewers about the company and their experiences. We understand that you’re interviewing us as much as we’re interviewing you; we welcome your questions.
Let your geek flag fly
We cherish uniqueness and want you to be yourself. Share your expertise, hobbies, and hidden talents—whether they’re work-related or not. We need each team member to bring their interests and passions to work every day, as our differences make us more innovative and help us solve big problems for our customers.
Dress comfortably
Whether your interview is virtual or on-site, wear what you are most comfortable in. You can wear a tuxedo, a t-shirt, or a tuxedo t-shirt. Whatever makes you feel your best.
Test your technology
Before your virtual interview, test your camera, sound, mic, and background on the device that you will be using. We don’t expect you to have a hi-tech set-up, but we do want to minimize distractions for both you and the interviewer. We understand that you may be interviewing from home, so if your cat walks in front of the camera or your child tries to steal the spotlight, don’t sweat it. That happens to us too.
Be prepared to talk about your experience
We’ll be asking questions to better understand how your skills and experience translate to the role you’re interviewing for. If you’ve worked on a project or have previous experience that you think aligns with the role, explain the parallels to us. If there is a topic or technology that you don’t have experience with, be honest and share your willingness to learn.