For long-time RII employees, we hope you enjoy a look back on our 15-year journey. For new colleagues, we hope you’re able to learn more about our company history, our partnerships with customers, and our legacy of tech innovation and impact. Cheers to an evening of connecting with old friends, meeting new people, and celebrating our RIIdiculously Awesome accomplishments and future!
Name: Pretty fRII for a WiFi
Password: Dogt@via4eva
Schedule of Events
5:30-6:45 PM: Cocktail hour
6:45 PM: Main Hall opens
7:10 PM: Welcome and RIImarks
7:30 PM: Dinner buffet opens (click to view menu)
8 PM-12 AM: Band, dancing, games, casino, and party fun
8:30 PM: PHOTO-OP! If you're in town from Florida, Texas, Hawaii, or the UK, meet in East Hall by your location poster for a quick group photo
11:30 PM: Casino winners announced
12-2 AM: After ParTAY in East Hall
Roman Legionnaires line the balcony of Union Station and if you look above the entrance from Main Hall into East Hall, you'll see we've added our own RIIgionnaires! Click here to learn about the custom Caticii representing different places around the globe where RII teammates live and work.